Our good friend Scott runs a brewery nearby (Paradise Creek Brewery)...here are some photos I have stitched together and mounted that will be on display for the next month or so.
I love this brewery building... it happens to be the old post office. we all know I am obsessed with all things postal and mail related...plus amazing beer, so once everything is installed I will certainly share some more photos here. (and there will be a lovely opening reception bash too sometime in mid-december...yay! stop by if you are in the northwest!) Anything for scott.
xo palouse.
In other news, I may disappear from the blogosphere for a bit because I just moved into a new house!!!...beautiful, magical, overlooking the palouse river (much more about this to come though) and then had to jump on a plane...I am in SUNNY florida for a long overdue visit to my amazing mother perfectly coinciding with thanksgiving. Highs in the 80's today...beach bums and seashell collectors we are.
I will get back next week in a sort of frenzy to nest and get my new place (AND studio...oh my goodness, I have a whole room for a studio....goodbye kitchen studio!) in order. So, I may be quieter here, but will come back with an explosion of images and hopefully new work. I couldn't be happier. LOTS TO DO. happy thanksgiving to all.