Monday, January 31, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

elsewhere2, originally uploaded by hannaclark.

My plate of current projects is often a bit overloaded. One of my goals for this new year is to ease this a bit. It's true- I love being busy and I am addicted to new ideas, but heaps of unfinished works or feeling rushed becomes overwhelming.
February is my month to clean all of this up.
So, no new projects are allowed to enter my studio.

I plan to round out the following:
-Avoid the VOID video project (golly, this started in the summer)
-the 94 north shore project with my mum
-my upcoming "collection" of we are stardust prints, books and giant god's eyes (for the spring)
-solidify the porch fort residency program details.
and finally complete the edits on my website (

the words here will follow my progress. hope for strong breezes to
carry me along.

I can't believe its already thursday already!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

i am doing the best that i can.

sunshine and saturday printing at the museum. bam.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I am currently devouring Georges Perec's Bartlebooth character and am leaving you here with a plan that he creates for the manner in which he will carry out the rest of his living days.

An excerpt:

It grew over the following months and came to rest on three guiding principles.

The first was moral: the plan should not have to do with an exploit or record, it would be neither a peak to scale nor an ocean floor to reach. What Bartlebooth would do would not be heroic, or spectacular; it would be something simple and discreet, difficult of course but not impossibly so, controlled from start to finish and conversely controlling every detail of the life of the man engaged upon it.

The second was logical: all recourse to chance would be ruled out, and the project would make time and space serve as the abstract coordinates plotting the ineluctable recursion of identical events occurring inexorably in their allotted places, on their allotted dates.

The third was aesthetic: the plan would be useless, sinice gratuitousness was the sole guarantor of its rigour, and would destroy itself as it proceeded; its perfection would be circular: a series of events which when concatenated nullify each other: starting from nothing, passing through precise operations on finished objects, Bartlebooth would end up with nothing.

- Georges Perec, Life: A User’s Manual

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I finally scanned the book that I created for the seattle residency I took part in this past fall. This was made in conjunction with some sound recordings and a short video. more images on my website:

Friday, January 7, 2011

my favorite home city as captured by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre collected in this beautiful little website. look at the rest of the images. that's an order.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

retreat. reappear.

the riverside
solstice train
gypsy lovelies

for the holidays i took a pause from the virtual landscape. i needed a moment (well, i still need a few more) to settle into my new home on the hillside, to spend time in the snow and completely abandon my awareness of the clock.
i am back to work now and thrilled for the start of a brand new year! december was all about clearing out nonsense (both materially and metaphorically speaking).
now. momentum for the new.

and... fantastic news, i was asked to print on saturdays at the letterpress museum on main st., palouse. so, please stop by for a visit if you are in the eastern WA area...I have a few projects in mind that will begin as soon as I'm settled in the space.

I spent all sunday stitching little headbands on some coptic bound books. glorious.
onward and upward.