Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Oop Bop Sh' Bam

July is half over!?! Spending so much time on the road from place to place...I have lost track of the days....though now I have settled in Eastern Pennsylvania for an artist residency until August 9th. I am spending this time working on a series of drawings based on photos of the region. Today I spent the morning going back and forth between the studio and reading in a big chair in the sun....perfect day! I am so excited/spoiled that I get a whole month of this!

I have only been exploring the area for a few days, but I think the drawings are coming along nicely...I will try to have some images of those up soon. For now, check out my flickr for images of the super old church I am living in and various images of the area. 

The one downfall of the summer/travel adventures is that I will be away from my bookbinding supplies (the station) for way too long! In the meantime, I found this article in the New York Times archives about a wonderful craftsman in the Washington Heights area who is keeping the craft of book repair lively! Reminds me of my good old days in the Clements Library Conservation Lab at the University of the process of repairing old bindings teaches and inspires you to bind your own books....Read the article here...

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