Thursday, July 31, 2008

Everything in the space was originally concealed in boxes.
I want to put everything into one box labeled: collection.
From all of this I have learned that I have a minimalist streak.

Monday, July 28, 2008

I have been interested in the way that repetition works within this experience-the image loop, the loop of the space, the loop of the day, and how quickly patterns arise within an experience that is still so new.
I thought that maybe I would be drawn in to specific areas or details of elsewhere, but rather have discovered a continuous rhythm, found repetition in the whole.
Repetition in color palette and patterns, even within such an array of materials, repetition in the walking paths within the space, daily schedules and the relation to time in this sort of environment.

I have also discovered comfort in working more ephemerally. A desire never arose in me to think about working something permanently into the space, building, or altering anything significantly.
I imagine this stems from what I understand led to the foundation of this space as it exists now. (the exploration that was involved in order to end at the idea of creating a layered art space. The process of digging through piles.) In a sense I wanted to have that level of exploration myself...thus the interest in exploring and reformatting my surroundings in a way that I can understand and step toward something else.
The other influence of the impermanence in what I have focused on here must have to do with the social environment, and the restraints and tensions that I guess inevitably go along with communal activities. I often need to seek privacy in this sort of space, and I feel that I spend a lot more mental energy on thoughts about getting out of someone's way, or seeking ways in which I can be more helpful. So, when the time comes to focus individually on my experience and work within the space, I don't want to be noticed, or watched, or require assistance. At some level I want my physical self to disappear, but the documentation, the evidence to remain.
To go back to later?
To show someone as proof of some sort?

(FYI: posts lately have mostly been about my current experience as a production assistant at Elsewhere Artist Collaborative)

Friday, July 25, 2008

splitting at the seams

I have begun work in secret. I guess it's not a secret anymore since you know. I had to tell someone.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

exercise in gaining control pt. 2

really difficult to photograph.
Process: cover shit continent with black clothing to obtain some degree of calm.
I am uncomfortable with the common practice of waste disposal... The overwhelming growth of landfills and our disregard.
However, I believe that some items do actually need to be disposed of, removed if they cannot be recycled.
I am working on the third floor, a place called "shit continent".
A few artists are coming in that work with old clothes to create amazing installations. We are sorting the clothes from the that they can get right to work when they arrive.
There is a lot more shit than anything else. I cough up black dust.
The constant references to "the collection".
This is not how a collection should be handled. Everything is coated with years of dust and mold.
It is kept hidden. Kept in these conditions much of the continent is literally becoming unusable, unhealthy. I am losing sight of any purpose.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

an attempt to gain control

sunday. all to myself.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

interior dialogue

I need a focus for my energy.
It was brought to my attention that a space to consider conservation/preservation/protection of the objects here at Elsewhere should transpire.

As I am adjusting to my current surroundings, a focus on creating this space seems necessary and relevant. (both to past experience with UM library conservation and with current work)

primary goals:
•minimal intervention, restrict further deterioration of objects
•documentation of all aspects of collection, treatment, analysis
•organization categorization of damaged specimens

Images of the space(above)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I have arrived elsewhere.

Beginning to adjust to the mountains of things to sort and ponder.
Beginning to adjust to communal living/working environs.

wake up, wander downstairs and around Elm street before it gets too hot,
then sort through the wardrobe....A current artist in residence has taken on the overwhelming task of re-organizing and sorting by color a room that contains the most significant portion of Elsewhere's clothing collection.

More images of this to come.

Sunday, July 6, 2008


the daily collages have been paused. currently in transit and will be until late August.
Within the next few weeks I will be starting a daily drawing series...a daily endeavor that travels well.
more on this soon!